Traditional Marbling Workshop – Turkish Ebru

Learn how to paint on water and discover the traditional Turkish art of Ebru in the Macedon Ranges!
52-56 Mollison Street, Kyneton VIC, Australia

Ebru, also known as water/paper marbling, is the traditional Turkish art of creating colourful patterns by dropping and splashing paints onto a tray of solution with special brushes. Paper and other materials are then dipped into the solution to preserve your pattern onto their surface.

In this workshop, you will gain knowledge of the history of Ebru and an introduction to the traditional materials and techniques used to create the patterns, before transferring them onto paper. On your final printing, we will use non-paper objects such as Bamboo fans or coasters.

During the session we will learn to create at least six different Ebru patterns and their variations:

  • Battal Ebru – Stone or Rock Pattern
  • Gel-Git Ebru – Tidal Pattern
  • Taraklı Ebru – Combed Pattern
  • Şal Ebru – Shawl Pattern
  • Bülbül Yuvası Ebru – Snail Pattern
  • Dalgalı Ebru – Spanish Pattern

Ebru has a lot to offer to people in terms of Turkish culture with it being listed as a UNESCO heritage-listed traditional art as well as being a relaxing, fun and unique experience.

Ebru is a mesmerising world that will transport you to a place of zen as you manipulate and transform your paints into intricate patterns that are unique and it’s impossible to replicate. It helps participants to discover their inner vision and discover their inner creativity while easing their anxiety and stress by providing tranquillity to the soul. The end result of this work is a piece with its own spirit and nature that looks like magic.

This rare art form is mostly about focusing on the process itself and exploring/ experimenting with colours on water surface rather than the product but you can expect to obtain a series of at least seven to eight ebru papers at the end of the session, depending on the time you spend for each of your designs.

Accessible Venue


  • LGTBQ Friendly

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