Is the Price Right? – A conversation

Craft Victoria present a conversation with local makers and creatives to discuss how to put a price tag on creative work.
Kyneton Town Hall, Mollison Street, Kyneton VIC, Australia

Don’t undersell yourself – find out what you and your product are really worth.

Craft Victoria present a conversation with local makers and creatives to discuss how to put a price tag on creative work.

Artists and craftspeople routinely undersell themselves and their work. So how to make a living?

Come along to this panel discussion if you have ever asked yourself these questions:

  • How can I make a living from my work?
  • How do we balance the demands of the market, the labour intensive quality of how creatives work and the bottom line of selling work?
  • How to match all of this with a narrative and education about why the handmade and the creative matters?
  • Who gets how much of a cut and how does that affect the maker?

Speakers for the pricing panel are:

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