Macedon Ranges Potters Exhibition

The annual exhibition of the Macedon Ranges Potters. 13 potters. Free entry. All work for sale.
Cobaw Community Health Service, Forest Street, Woodend VIC, Australia

Turning clay into works of art drives each of the artists that make up this unique group of potters, who have exhibited with the Woodend Winter Arts Festival for many years and are delighted to return in 2021.

Contributing to the local ‘arts scene’ and making bespoke functional and sculptural works of art is what spurs-on this passionate group of clay artisans.

We invite you to join us, wander through our exhibition, view each piece of work and explore each member’s own interpretation of clay creations.

Chat with the potters and learn about some of their creative processes. You may even find a special piece for yourself and meet the maker in the bright, warm and cosy venue.

Come and visit us at the Woodend Community Hub, Forest St Woodend.

How to get here

Find out what’s happening in the Macedon Ranges this month

Catch up with us on social media.