The Freedom of Colour – Solo Exhibition of Yvette XXX

Explore the freedom of colour in Yvette's oil paintings
52-56 Mollison Street, Kyneton VIC, Australia

Emerging artist, Yvette XXX loves to explore where the colours of her oil paintings take her as she mixes them on the canvas. Having the freedom to express herself through colour anyway she sees fit rather than what’s the “norm”.

Yvette particularly loves the Tree motif as they represent how unique we are as humans, just like them; not one tree is the same as the next.

Yvette is now really enjoying the freedom of expression through colour. “After being in a very dark place for many years, it’s nice coming out the other side being now able to create and explore with more colourful expression as I paint “my trees”.”

The exhibition is open everyday and free to view.

How to get here

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