Woodend Winter Arts Festival: Poetry Slam at the Pub

10 poets, one microphone and a room full of ears and cheers
Victoria Hotel Woodend, High Street, Woodend VIC, Australia

Join in the fun of a poetry slam with the Chamber Poets. Places are limited, bookings are essential.

Got something to say?

Come on down to the 2019 WWAF Poetry Slam!

10 poets, one microphone and a room full of ears and cheers

Random audience members will be chosen to judge contestants on a scale of 1 to 10, as poets battle it out for the chance of the title of Woodend Winter Arts Festival Poetry Slam Champion.

This is wrestling with words, the Olympics of rhyme, the battle of the metaphor! Hosted by Ben Oost & Myron Lysenko.

Drinks, share plates and snacks available at bar prices.

How to get here

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