Romsey Antiques, Vintage and Collectables Fair

The Romsey Mechanics’ Institute and the Romsey Neighbourhood House will hold it’s annual Antiques, Vintage and Collectables Fair on Saturday March 18th, 9.30am till 4.30pm, $2 entrance. Held at the Mechanics’ Institute 122 Main Street Romsey.
122 Main St, Romsey, VIC, 3434, Australia

The annual Romsey Antiques, Vintage and Collectables Fair will be held on Saturday March 18th 2017. This Fair is put on by the Romsey Mechanics’ Institute and the Romsey Neighbourhood House and is proudly sponsored by the Lancefield and Romsey Community Branches of the Bendigo Bank. There will be 14 stalls with a range of items for sale including clothing, furniture, glassware, tools, die-cast cars, china, books plus much more. Morning and afternoon teas and lunches available for purchase.

Tickets are only $2.

Proceeds will be used to help refurbish the Romsey Mechanics’ Institute

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