A Biodiversity Crisis: Animals and Plants of the Macedon Ranges

Animals and plants of the Macedon Ranges exhibition at Kyneton Museum.
Kyneton Museum, Piper Street, Kyneton VIC, Australia

Did you know that 376 animal species and 1,457 varieties of native plants have been recorded in the Macedon Ranges? But the Macedon Ranges is facing a biodiversity crisis, with many threatened species at risk of extinction.

This new interactive exhibition showcases the unique flora and fauna of the Macedon Ranges while exploring the threats to our biodiversity, and what we can do to help.  You can see a collection of historical accounts of local species and photographs. Get up close with a collection of animal specimens or take a peek inside some natural tree hollows to see who lives inside.

Please be advised this exhibition contains taxidermy and may be confronting to some visitors.

Educational workshops

Schools are encouraged to express interest in participating in educational workshops and talks associated with this interactive exhibition.

For more information, call the Museum on (03) 54221 228 or email museum@mrsc.vic.gov.au.

How to get here

Find out what’s happening in the Macedon Ranges this month

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